Pre requisite Waiver Form Please read the description belowThis form is to be used when a student requests a course pre requisite be waived. The course instructor teaching the course for which the pre requisite waiver is requested will complete, sign, and submit this form. Neither the student nor the student's advisor will submit this form. Instructor's Name* First Last Instructor's KWC Email*Please enter only a valid KWC email account. Enter Email Confirm Email Student's Name* First Last Student's KWC Student ID number*The student's ID number is located directly under their name on their ID card. Please include all digits.Student's KWC Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Term for Course to be Registered*FallSpringSummerCourse Number and Section for Course to be Registered*For example, for Probability and Statistics, you would enter MATH104A. The course number is MATH104 and the section is AReason for requesting the pre requisite be waived*