Position Request Form "*" indicates required fields This request is to* change an existing position for an existing employee (e.g., change wage,title) re-hire an existing position with no changes to position re-hire an existing position with changes to position add a position Effective date of change or start date of hire*Information on existing positionTo be an existing position, the position must be included as an employee position in the current fiscal year's budget.Title of existing position*Department/Office of existing position*Employee in existing position or employee leaving existing positionType of position* Full-time faculty Full-time staff Part-time staff If part-time staff, hours currently worked per week* 1 to 10 11 to 20 21 o 29 Other Months currently worked per year* 12, year-round less than 12 If less than 12 months per year, indicate working periodCurrent wage rate*Wage rate per* Hour Year Other Information on new positionA new position could be a change to position in the current fiscal year's budget or a request to add a position to the budget (or re-instate a position from a previous year).Title of new position*Department/Office of new position*Type of new position* Full-time faculty Full-time staff Part-time staff If part-time staff, anticipated hours worked per week* 1 to 10 11 to 20 21 to 29 Other If part-time staff, maximum hours worked per fiscal year*Please enter a number from 1 to 1508.This field is for budgeting purposes.Anticipated months worked per year* 12, year-round less than 12 If less than 12 months per year, indicate working periodAnticipated wage rate or range*Wage rate per* Hour Year Other Submit requestName of person making this request*Email of person making this request* Support for the request and how it aligns with the mission, values, and/or goals of the College*Other information (e.g., paid from restricted fund, part of larger re-organization, etc.)Name of Cabinet Officer*Email address of Cabinet Officer* SubmissionWhen you submit the form, it will be emailed to the Cabinet Officer above, the VP of Finance, and the President.