Kentucky Wesleyan College Intranet

Summer Housing Contract

Residential Rules and Regulations

Aiding and Abetting - Students are responsible for any behavior that takes place in their room, whether or not they are present in the room at the time the behavior occurs.

Alcohol and other drugs - Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are not permitted anywhere on campus, or in College housing. Violations of this regulation will result in disciplinary action, up to and including possible expulsion from the College.  The presence of alcoholic beverage containers, either full or empty, anywhere on residence hall property could result in room searches and will result in disciplinary action being taken.  Presence of articles may be interpreted as actual possession of those articles. Students encountered in locations where drugs, alcohol or other misconduct is evident will normally be considered in violation of the Code of Conduct even if they do not have the prohibited items on their person at the time they are encountered.


Drugs - Up to suspension or expulsion from Kentucky Wesleyan College

Alcohol - Campus Work and Fines.
  First Violation = 10 hours campus work & minimum $50.00 fine
  Second Violation = 20 hours campus work & minimum $100.00 fine
  Third Violation = 30 hours campus work, minimum $150.00 fee and referral for assessment and parent contact

Athletic Activities - Athletic activities are to be confined to areas designated for such use and are not to occur inside or outside of the halls, in areas close to the residence halls

Approved Appliances - Approved appliances for use in the residence halls include:
Small microwaves
Small refrigerators
Students should consider the government-backed “Energy Star” label when buying lights and electronics. The label is a distinctive half- globe logo with the word “energy” and a star inside. Products with this label meet high energy-efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Items not permitted due to serious fire hazard or safety concerns include, but are not limited to:

Any appliance with an open heating element, Black lights, Candles, candle burners or oil burners (not allowed in the halls, even if they are not or have not been burnt), Crock pots, Extension cords which do not have a surge protector/on-off switch, George Foreman-type grills, Hover Boards, Power tools, Saws of any type, Incense, Lava lamps, Hot plates, Space heaters, Toasters, Toaster ovens, Halogen lamps

College Owned Furnishings

Student Rooms - Students may not remove any College-owned furnishings from their rooms.

Public Areas - Students may not remove College furnishings from the lobby, floor lounges, or any public areas in the residence halls. Students found to have any lounge or public area furnishings in their room will be referred to the Student Services Office.

Cleanliness - Students are expected to keep their rooms clean and orderly at all times.

Confiscation of Prohibited Items - If a College staff member observes items that are not permitted in the residence hall in a student’s room, these items will be confiscated. With the exception of alcohol and illegal items (such as drugs, illegal weapons, etc.), confiscated items will be returned to their owners, typically at the end of the school year. Alcohol will be disposed of when it is confiscated. Illegal items will generally be turned over to the police

Cooking - Cooking, other than preparing snacks, is not permitted in students’ rooms.

Damage to Walls - Nails, hooks, etc. may not be attached to the walls. Pictures and other items are not to be attached to the walls, windows, or furniture by any method that leaves holes or marks. Students will reimburse the College for damages resulting from the use of unapproved materials.

Dependents and Spouses - Under no circumstances may dependent children or spouses live in residence halls. In the event of pregnancy, a student should contact the school nurse immediately for prenatal referral. Due to health concerns, a pregnant student must make off campus housing arrangements prior to the third trimester of pregnancy.

Electrical Additions - Students may not install ceiling fans, additional lighting fixtures, etc., or tamper with any electrical wiring in the residence halls including the cable television wiring and the smoke detectors. External radio and TV antennas are also not permitted.

Fire Safety Equipment - Under Kentucky state law, each college or university in the state must disclose to all residents of on-campus housing facilities whether the facility where residents are housed is equipped with an “automated fire suppression system,” or, in other words, a sprinkler system. With the exception of Kendall and Massie Halls, the residential facilities on Kentucky Wesleyan College’s campus are NOT equipped with such systems, and are not required to be since they are not over three stories. They are equipped with fire/smoke detectors and alarm systems. Tampering with or misuse of smoke detectors, fire alarms, pull stations or fire extinguishers is a very serious offense.

Consequences – Fine, educational sanction, restitution for equipment, and possible relocation to difference living arrangement, a fine and possibly referral to local law enforcement.

Gambling is not permitted anywhere on the Kentucky Wesleyan College’s campus.

Non-Compliance and Defiant Behavior - Students who direct profanity or obscenities at staff (Staff members include faculty and staff of the college as well as personnel employed by the companies with whom the college contracts for services.) verbally abuse staff or obstruct staff access to rooms in college buildings, provide false identification/information or no identification/information, refuse to follow reasonable instructions/requests of staff, interfere with staff who are attempting to carry out the responsibilities of their position, or who verbally threaten and/or physically harm a staff member will be referred to the Student Services Office.

Overnight Guests - Due to safety concerns, all overnight guests must register with the hall Resident Assistant or Resident Director; this includes athletic recruits and admissions visitors. Guests must fill out a guest registration form and carry with them a guest registration card. These forms may be obtained from a Resident Assistant or the Resident Director. Guests who are not registered may be asked to leave. Students will be responsible for the behavior of their visitors/guests. Any guest who is violating College or residence hall policies may be asked to leave the halls. No long-term guests are allowed. Guests under 18 years of age (other than immediate family members) are not permitted in the residence halls at any time.

Pets - Pets (with the exception of fish in an aquarium) are not allowed in the residence halls. Students should not clean aquariums in the sinks in the bathrooms, due to plumbing problems caused by gravel in the pipes. Students found in violation will be assessed a $100.00 fee for additional cleaning of the room, referral through Student Conduct system and immediate removal of the pet..

Quiet hours are observed in the residence halls and on all college property is as follows:

Sunday – Thursday       10 PM until 10 AM
Friday and Saturday  Midnight until noon
During the above quiet hours, a quiet atmosphere conducive to study, rest, or sleep must be maintained by all residents and their guests. Courtesy hours, however, are always observed in the residence halls. Therefore, the volume of voices, radios, stereos, video/computer games, TVs, musical instruments, etc. is never to be so loud as to disturb other residents on campus or in the surrounding neighborhood, regardless of the time of day or night.
After a third offense for noise violations, the College reserves the right to confiscate the equipment responsible for the noise (i.e. stereo, computer speakers, video games/system, etc.).  Quiet Hours- Twenty-Three Hour will be observed in the residence halls and on all college property during final exam periods. Notices will be posted in the residence halls in advance informing students of this observance.

Removal of Student - The College reserves the right to remove any student from a residence hall at any time, if their conduct is disruptive to other residents or if they pose a threat to themselves or the safety and well-being of other members of the campus community.

Smoking - Smoking is not permitted on campus. This includes electronic cigarettes, i.e. e-cigs. Students found to have smoked in their room will be assessed minimum $100.00 fee for cleaning the room, painting walls and cleaning of furniture.

Theft - Theft is not acceptable and people found responsible will be dealt with disciplinarily through the college, but may also face charges in Owensboro community.  The College does not assume responsibility for loss of or damages to a student’s clothing, valuables or other personal property. Room doors should be locked at all times. In case of theft, report it immediately to your Resident Director or the Student Services Office. The College recommends that students secure a personal renter’s insurance policy as student property in the residence halls is not covered under the College’s property insurance.

Please note - personal items left outside a room will be discarded unless prior arrangements are made with the Physical Plant staff.

Unauthorized Party - Only two guests per resident at one time (regardless of gender) allowed in the residence hall rooms or common areas. Having more than six people in one residence hall room may be considered an unauthorized party.

Visitation - Men are not allowed in the women’s residence hall rooms, and women are not allowed in the men’s residence hall rooms except during approved open visitation hours. All visitors must be escorted in residence halls by a residential student living in that building at all times.

Open visitation hours for members of the opposite sex are as follows:

Sunday - Thursday            11 a.m. until midnight
Friday and Saturday           11 a.m. until 2 a.m.

Waterbeds - Waterbeds are not permitted in the residence halls.

Weapons and Fireworks - Weapons, air soft pistols, firearms, ammunition, explosives and fireworks are not permitted anywhere on campus, or in College housing. Violations of this regulation will result in disciplinary action, up to and including possible expulsion from the College.

PLEASE NOTE: Presence of articles may be interpreted as actual possession of those articles. Students encountered in locations where firearms, fireworks, ammunition and explosives or other misconduct is evident will normally be considered in violation of the Code of Conduct even if they do not have the prohibited items on their person at the time they are encountered.

Window and Roof Access -

Displays - Clothing, blankets, towels, or other articles (including beer signs, or alcohol propaganda, etc.) are not to be hung or displayed in residence hall windows.
Laundry - No hanging laundry from windows or railings at Stadium.
Windowsills - Items should not be set on outer windowsills or thrown from windows.
Safety - Students should not sit in or lean out of residence hall windows. Any student found on the roof of any campus building will be referred for judicial action.


Residence Hall Room Entry and Search and Seizure Policy

The College respects and is committed to protecting each student’s rights. However, it is also responsible for ensuring that adequate attention and protection are extended to all persons on campus, to the educational and service functions of the College, and to College property. To this end there will be times when College Officials, acting in the confines of their job, will need to enter student spaces. The following outline some typical instances where staff might enter a student room.

Health and Safety Inspections - Within the residence halls, the Resident Director, with the approval of the Student Services Office, may conduct periodic room inspections (accompanied by another party) for health and safety violations. In most cases, a minimum of 24-hours’ notice will be given in advance of the inspection by the residence hall staff. However, the College reserves the right to enter any student room at any time. The College decides to do so in its sole discretion and may look into any property (College or student owned). All areas of a Residence Hall are College property. Although students bring items to campus, for example a refrigerator, College officials have the right to search those items if there is reason to believe the student is in violation of College property or for safety reasons. If a College staff member observes items that are not permitted in the residence hall in a student’s room, these items will be confiscated. With the exception of alcohol and illegal items (such as drugs, illegal weapons, etc.), confiscated items will be returned to their owners, typically at the end of the school year. Alcohol will be disposed of when it is confiscated. Illegal items will generally be turned over to the police. It is understood and agreed that residence hall rooms are College property, are not considered permanent residence for students, and therefore tenant/landlord laws do not apply. A student’s family home is still considered his or her permanent address.

Law Enforcement Entry - State and federal laws govern the entry of police officers into your room to investigate illegal activity. Lawful searches include, but are not limited to, a search with a search warrant and a search in which the resident has given permission for the search (verbally or by waiver).

Policy Violations in Progress - A Student Life or residence hall staff member may enter a student’s room at any time if the staff member has reason to believe a residence hall regulation or Student Code of Conduct violation is occurring in the room. Evidence of alcohol or drug use in the room or elsewhere in the hall also warrants probable cause for room searches (including drawers, closets, refrigerators, etc.) with the resident present.

Threat to Self, Others or Property - Residence Life staff may also enter or search your room without your permission if there is a threat to the safety and well-being of persons or property, or for reasons stated below. Under such conditions, a staff member may enter and search your room whether you are present or not. Another member of the Student Life staff and possibly other officials will assist the staff member if it is thought that such danger is connected with fire, chemicals, explosives, weapons, or other items that could cause serious personal trauma or injury. If a staff member enters your room with your permission and sees a violation that threaten the health, safety, and welfare of the College community, the staff member will confiscate all objects or materials that constitute a threat and take them as evidence to the Student Services Office. Other staff members or students may be asked to assist in an emergency situation requiring room entry if the situation threatens immediate harm to individuals. Staff will not, except as noted above, admit a third party to your room without obtaining your written or oral permission.


Residence Hall Emergency Response Procedures

In all cases of emergency, students should contact their RA, RD, or the Student Services Office.

Students must vacate the building whenever the fire alarm sounds. Students remaining in the building or who enter the building before they have been given permission to re-enter after the alarm has ended, will be subject to disciplinary action.

Students are required to leave their rooms or other areas of the building during the sounding of severe weather sirens, and immediately go to the basement, if available, or first floor internal areas of the building, if a basement is not available. Students who fail to follow this procedure will be subject to disciplinary action.

Note: Sirens in Owensboro and Daviess County are tested at noon on Fridays.

Students who become ill should contact their Resident Director and/or the campus nurse.

       I have read and agree to abide by the College's Residential Rules and regulations.



Release From Liability for Negligence

NOTICE: THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT. By signing this agreement, you, your family and personal representatives give up the right to bring any action to obtain any remedy for injury to yourself, damage to your property of others or for your death, as a result of your temporary residence in Kentucky Wesleyan College’s Student Housing. 

    In consideration for being permitted to reside in Student Housing, during the period stated, I, , acknowledge and agree as follows:


I,  , do for myself and on behalf of my family and my personal representatives, hereby agree to forever release and hold harmless Kentucky Wesleyan College, all of its trustees, officers, agents and employees for any and all liability arising from any claim, demand or cause of action of any nature for:

  1. personal injury to me or to others
  2. damage to my personal property or to the personal property of others or
  3. my death

as a result of my temporary residence in Student Housing, or caused by conduct, whether negligent or grossly negligent, of Kentucky Wesleyan College, any of its officers, agents or employees.


    I fully understand that the terms of this agreement are legally binding and that I am signing this agreement after having completely read it.

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Name:                   
Emergency Contact Phone Number:  
Emergency Contact Email:                   




Summer Housing Contract


Student Name: 

Permanent Home Address:  

Primary Email:           
Cell Phone Number:  


Check-in Date:     
Check-out Date:   


College/University information for non-Kentucky Wesleyan students (If you are a KWC student, this section will be blank)



Employer Information (If you are not working, this section will be blank)



Billing Information (If your billing address is the same as your permanent address, this section will be blank)


       I understand that housing costs will be $500 each month. I will also be charged a $10 mailbox key deposit. There are no refunds or pro-rating (partial charges for occupancy of less than a full month) on my Summer housing charges. Check-in and check-out must be scheduled through the Student Life Office. (the Student Life Office phone number is 270-852-3285)

I understand that I will not be required to pay the $100 housing deposit; however, I will be responsible for any damage done to the room or furniture during my stay and for any lost room key/card. I will be billed for any incurred costs.

  I understand that should I violate any College policy, I will be required to vacate my Summer housing assignment without any refund.

  I understand that no meal plan is offered during the Summer.


My signature below indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to all terms put forth in this document.

Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signature Certificate
Document name: Summer Housing Contract
lock iconUnique Document ID: 654401c81cc98f96227ed70383987f3de57cfe92
Timestamp Audit
April 17, 2018 8:12 am CSTSummer Housing Contract Uploaded by KWC eForms Administrator - IP
April 18, 2018 8:19 am CSTLori Etheridge - added by C Bryan Blount - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
April 18, 2018 1:46 pm CSTLori Etheridge - added by C Bryan Blount - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
April 18, 2018 2:10 pm CSTLori Etheridge - added by C Bryan Blount - as a CC'd Recipient Ip: